Update To My Blog

19 Feb, 2017 - 00:00:00


Matthew Deig



I went ahead did some simple changes to the color scheme and layout of my blog. Hopefully the colors are not too bad to look at.

Anyways small update


13 Dec, 2016 - 00:00:00


Matthew Deig

Things you would need.

  • tee
  • youtube-dl
  • a media player that can read from stdin
  • netcat

I used mpv as my example for this

So on the main host that has tee command.

youtube-dl -o - | tee >(nc -l 9000) | mpv -

This will start downloading the file and netcat will hold up the buffer until the client connects then it will start playing the video

On the client side they need to type in

nc host 9000 | mpv -

or on windows

nc host 9000 > mpv -

I have only tried this on local lans so I have no clue how bad the latency will be over the Internet, but I feel it would be about the same as the ping between the clients. There might be a small chance for the videos not to match up correctly. This isn't too bad for a quick way to watch videos between people

pixel shift

13 Dec, 2016 - 00:00:00


Matthew Deig


I wanted to play around with making a ppm parser. I also like the effects that pixel shifting looks on pictures.

You can get the script here pixel_shift

Only problem with it. It shifts all the RBG values so it will make the pictures a grandent fill from black to white. It was a neat practice. I learn little bit of the ppm file format. It is just plain text with the binary or ascii represtation of the RGB of the pixels.

This script isn't complete like I said above it is screws up the shifting since it is sorting all the RGB values instead of going by pixel level. It is extremely slow, so it works fine on small pictures not big ones. This uses a lot of magic numbers so you will have to edit to work with other types of pictures.

I did find it to be a fun challenge none the less