Game Log For Puzzle Game

10 May, 2020 - 00:00:00


Matthew Deig


Puzzle Game

I have been working on game during this COVID-19 quarantine, since it seemed to be a good use of time. I’m aiming for a game that is similar to Super Puzzle Fighter Turbo. The reason I chose to make something similar to that is because I have a friend that is good at it and I figure I just make a game similar to beat him at it.

My Design


I was going to set in sometime of cyberpunk setting and the puzzle fighting is hacking in this game.

Game play

It is going to similar to Super Puzzle Fighter Turbo that it will have the matching and to clear out the matches you need a clear block that matches it. What I was thinking of changing for my game is to add a deck building aspect. In Puzzle fighter there is counter attacks to match pattern of blocks, I figure I can come up with a deck cards that can be used as power ups instead of the counter patterns.

What do I have

I started this back in 2020-03-29 and I had a good pace until now, but I have a lot of collision detection ironed out using test blocks. I mainly got the block playing area done which in the code is called grid. The blocks are hard coded as the same two blocks but it does help me out though with testing. I also have it set up to display and updated the two player’s grids, but I have the game window too small to handle the playing area. In which will be a next step for me to fix.

Visual Items


Starting Steps of Generative Art

29 Dec, 2019 - 19:14:17


Matthew Deig

Why this road

I got inspire by my visit up to the Vintage Computer Festival Midwest with their talk on the computer that made the Death Star plans graphics. Then later on this year I saw this post Functional Christmas Article on Generative Art and I recently was picking up Clojure and was thinking that I could use this to do something like I saw at the Festival. Turns out it wasn't too bad to try to get something like it, because I found this video of retro computer graphics so I dug in.

First Attempt

I started out doing circles to get some polar coordinates down and some other functions but I ended up switching to lines and came up with this

Unfortunately I don't have the code that made that video.

My other experiments

A few more of my experiments.

My Final Experiment of the Day

While I was working on the lines I decided to add more lines to the animation. When I was doing that it started to look like a ship scanning something so I ended up creating what I was seeing.

I do have the code for that

``` (defn polar-conv-x [r x] ( r (q/cos x))) (defn polar-conv-y [r y] ( r (q/sin y)))

(defn parametic-fun-x [x] (+ (q/sin (/ x 10.5)) (q/cos (/ x 5.5))))

(defn parametic-fun-y [y] (+ (q/cos (/ y 2)) (q/sin (/ y 4))))

(defn setup [] ; Set frame rate to 30 frames per second. (q/frame-rate 30) ; Set color mode to HSB (HSV) instead of default RGB. (q/color-mode :hsb) (q/background 0) ; setup function returns initial state. It contains ; circle color and position. {:color 0 :t 0})

(defn update-state [state] ; Update sketch state by changing circle color and position. {:color (mod (+ (:color state) 0.7) 255) :t (+ (:t state) 0.1)})

(defn draw-state [state] ; Clear the sketch by filling it with light-grey color. (q/background 0) ; Set circle color. (q/stroke (:color state) 255 255) ; Calculate x and y coordinates of the circle. (let [t (:t state) x (polar-conv-x ( t 2) (parametic-fun-x t)) y (polar-conv-y ( t 2) (parametic-fun-y t))] ; Move origin point to the center of the sketch. (q/with-translation [(/ (q/width) 2) (/ (q/height) 2)] ; Draw the circle. (q/line x y ( -1 y) ( -1 x)) (q/line ( -1 x) ( -1 y) ( -1 y) ( -1 x)) (q/line x ( -1 y) ( -1 y) ( -1 x)) (q/line ( -1 x) y ( -1 y) ( -1 x)) (q/line x ( -1 y) ( -1 x) ( -1 y)) (q/line x y ( -1 x) y) (q/line x ( -1 y) x y) (q/line ( -1 x) y ( -1 x) ( -1 y)) ))) ```